Office Design

New Space? Consider a Custom Office Design

Thousands of businesses are rethinking the traditional American office. In the past, most workers performed their daily responsibilities in a small cubicle or office room. Separate meeting rooms allowed for managers and project leaders to meet with their teams in scheduled time frames only.

Within the last few decades, more and more businesses transitioned to open floor plans. These “open offices” were designed to increase productivity and engagement with coworkers. They work best when you integrate this concept into your culture. If workers are too accustomed to the separation of the old workspace, open plan can be slightly less effective. This open plan trend is again evolving slightly to allow for social distancing and more personal privacy. It isn’t likely to entirely turn around, but it’s very common to see transparent barriers between employees on open benching systems and increased heights on cubicle systems.

Still, interior designers and architects are working to develop the next big thing in office design. Until then, it’s up to each individual business to create a work environment that suits the needs of the company and its employees. So, if you’re building or acquiring a new space, you should definitely consider talking to Key Interiors about a custom office design.

What is a Custom Office Design?

The great thing about a custom office design is that it doesn’t have to match any preexisting concepts of what an office should be. Instead, it is totally up to the client and the designer to create something new, yet conducive to a productive work environment. Thus, a custom office design is one that works well with the functionality of the business and is aesthetically pleasing. You tell us what the functionality of your office needs to be and we create a workable space!

How to Create a Custom Office Design

To create a custom office design, you will need a high-quality commercial interior designer. The designer will work closely with you on your space layout and the interior design elements that you want.

To prepare, you will need to evaluate your business and your space in a few different ways. First, let’s focus on your space:

  • Are you moving or are you just renovating your existing facility? Do you have drawings or do we need to do scanning and create?
  • How do you want your new space to feel? More residential? More cheerful? More modern? More branded? All of the above?
  • Talk about your everyday business operations and tell the designer about what your people do so that they can make educated suggestions for your walls & furniture layouts.

Now, let’s take a closer look at your business operations and brand:

  • How many people will need to work in this space on a daily basis? How many people do you see yourself being in 5 years?
  • What kind of work will be done in this space?
  • Do you want employees to be sequestered or gathered together while working?
  • Do you want separate offices for certain employees or teams?
  • Does your brand encourage a relaxed, casual work environment or a professional, no-nonsense work environment?
  • What aspects of the custom office design could help boost employee retention, motivation, and productivity?

If you can ask yourself all of these questions, you’ll likely begin to have a basic design in mind. Even if you don’t have the details worked out, you don’t need to worry. This is where your interior designer comes in.

Get an Interior Designer to Create Your Custom Office Design

Even if you meet with an interior designer without having considered what you want or need in your new space, any high-quality interior designer will know which questions to ask. All you need to do is provide your interior designer with some basic information and work with them through the rest of the process.

If you’d like to find a Design, Build, & Furnish company to create your next custom office design, contact the experts at Key Interiors today and save yourself the hassle of working with several different companies! We do everything from architecturals, to space layouts, to furniture, and punch lists.teams in scheduled time frames only.

Office Design

Want a Luxurious Office Design without Blowing up the Bank?

luxury office design completed by Key Interiors

If you’ve ever walked into a luxury office building, you know that it can have a powerful impact on you. Whether it’s the vaulted ceilings, modern architecture, or marble floors, a luxury office design can send the right message to new customers or clients. Most people look at beautiful offices and assume they can’t afford something like that. Chances are you can have a luxury office design without the budget that you envision when you see a beautiful space. Let’s look at why it’s important to spend in some areas of your buildout and a few areas where you can save money in your luxury office design.

Don’t be Afraid to Invest in a Luxury Office Design

It’s important to have an up-to-date and nicely finished office space because it reflects back on your company. It is a selling point for retaining and gaining new talent, as well as visiting clients. Small things that don’t cost much like a basic breakroom and a nicely finished restroom makes a big difference and gives your space a luxury office design feel. It makes a good impression on your clients and your employees are happier – which in turn affects the level of service your team gives to your customers.

Your office is a reflection of your brand. Try to integrate elements of your branding into your luxury office design, because it helps people remember you and makes your whole brand image come together. A bland office is a reflection of a bland business; it shows that you’re not willing or able to put extra effort into your workspace. Not only does this make your business look bad at first glance, but it can also hurt the longevity of your brand. As a result, choosing a luxury office design is a long-term investment that could end up paying dividends! It’s important to impress all your clients, but especially the first time ones.

Where to Spend & Save Money

First impressions are important. Reception areas are an important area to spruce up, especially if clients or interviewees will have to spend more than 3 minutes in it. If you don’t have a reception area, pay attention to the first place people see when they come in. On the other hand, spaces like a filing room or a data room aren’t as important to invest in nice lighting and finishes. The other two places that we highly recommend making nice are your restrooms & your breakrooms.

Within your Reception area, restrooms, breakrooms, and offices, there are ways to save money without sacrificing the wow factor. Here are a few options:

  • Save money on your appliances
  • Use a designer. They know where to go for the wow factor and where to value engineer. They know what manufacturers are trying to move inventory and can negotiate pricing. An experienced commercial designer knows how to navigate a budget, and where you will get a return on investment.

Want to learn more about acquiring a luxury office design? Contact the experts at Key Interiors today!

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