5 Tips for Dealing with a Noisy Workplace

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noisy workplaceA noisy office isn’t always an indication of great productivity. Indeed, while business owners certainly want their employees to feel comfortable collaborating with each other on important projects, research indicates that ambient noise in the workplace not only affects professionals’ ability to concentrate, but could also lead to increased stress, strain, and health risks. Another problem for business leaders is that distracting noises can come in a variety of forms. In order to help you and your team stay focused and energized in a noisy workplace, then, make sure to check out these five helpful tips:

Segment Your Workspace

There’s a fine line between creating an open office design that fosters collaboration, and one that engenders contemptible familiarity. As such, it’s often a good idea to segment your office in some way. Modular walls are one easy, flexible solution that will give certain parts of your team greater privacy when they need it. Additionally, designating “quiet” and “non-quiet” work zones will allow your team members to move about your office based on the task they’re currently handling.

Keep Heavy Equipment Out of the Way

It may seem obvious for businesses that utilize heavy machinery to store industrial equipment away from the main office. Yet, even commonplace workplace appliances like printers, copy machines, and fax machines can make a good deal of noise and distract employees from their work. Make it a point to place such items out of the way and well out of earshot from your team.

Sound-Control Devices/Noisemakers

“More noise” might not seem like the best way to address a noise issue, but, plenty of professionals use electronic noisemakers/sound-control devices that release a gentle, ambient hum. Of course, it’s a good idea to check with your entire staff before you introduce a tool of this nature.

Reorganize Your Meetings

Are your employees constantly shuffling back and forth, asking each other (or you) for procedural clarifications? If so, you may want to rethink the way you hold meetings. True, it’s impossible to cover every possible question or concern during a given meeting, but team gatherings should solve the basic issues that force team members away from their desks.

Renovate Your Office

When most people think of an office renovation, they probably dwell on the visual aspects of a new workplace –– like the furniture, color scheme, tech features, etc. However, sound design plays just as important a role in office planning as any other individual factor. What’s more, designers can use innovative methodology to reduce sound in an office and bolster its acoustics. Everything from the fabric of your carpet, to the height of your ceiling, to your choice of decor will affect the sound quality in your workspace, so don’t rule out a workplace redesign if your employees can’t focus over the din.

Final Thoughts

Some business owners may feel stuck with their current office situation, and may resign themselves to adapting to an unsatisfactory workplace. The reality is, though, conducting a redesign or renovation can be a cost-effective way to dramatically boost employee retention levels, productivity, and overall company efficiency. Contact the Key Interiors team today to see how we can enhance your office design and improve the way your team functions. We have years of industry experience and know how to provide real-life solutions! Plus, for more information on the benefits of an office redesign, check out our free eBook here: {{cta(‘be9ee934-8da3-4f57-9a54-072b3b5e3be0′,’justifycenter’)}}

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