A new office space offers you the chance to increase your business’s level of productivity, as well as boost your employees’ morale. Indeed, research indicates that the right design choices actually influence workplace processes and encourage human connectedness in ways that stimulate creativity, support collaboration, facilitate efficiency, and, thus, ultimately enhance innovation. But without a clear plan and understanding of office design, a new office can be a terrifying blank slate. Here are four office renovation tips for getting the most out of your new office space design:
Consider Functionality
Productivity is defined as the effectiveness of effort. It represents the measurable outcome(s) of work and is frequently used to assess a company’s overall level of profitability. Put plainly, when businesses use fewer resources to achieve more, their profits usually increase. With this in mind, it’s only reasonable to assume that workplace conditions can —and do — impact productivity by either hindering or enhancing the ways in which employees work. Everything from their physical environment to office culture affects how well (or not) workers complete the tasks demanded by their jobs and, therefore, often determines a company’s bottom line. At a most basic level, office design can be used to improve corporate functionality by physically making it easier for employees to move about the office and get their jobs done.
Think about the distance to bathrooms and copiers; lighting and sound control; whether or not it makes sense to have kitchens, cafeterias, and/or gyms on-site (as a way to entice employees to stay — and work! — on-site for longer periods of time); the type of seating that will best support the goals of your organization; and more! Careful planning of the physical layout of a space will help your company maximize the ways in which your employees use and enjoy their time in it, making it much more likely you’ll be getting the most bang for your buck!
Consider Versatility
You should also work to make your office renovation versatile. Being able to slide back walls or pull down projectors or easily rearrange furniture means a business is better able to adapt to changing circumstances. For instance, choosing compact, moveable chairs and desks that aren’t fixed or built-in allows you to easily accommodate seating preferences should a pandemic force your employees six feet apart!
Consider Sustainability
Of course, in this day and age, green office design is becoming a necessary component of any office renovation since many social and economic initiatives reward companies that adopt sustainable standards. An office renovation is a perfect time to install energy-efficient appliances, windows, and doors; to improve insulation and ventilation; to invest in GSFT products and fittings; and to purchase furniture and accessories made with renewable or recycled materials. The benefits of even just one of these office renovations are substantial, saving your business money on its utility costs and enhancing your customer’s loyalty, all at the same time.
Consider Community
Finally, you should consider the ways in which you can facilitate community with your office renovation design choices. Studies indicate that employee engagement directly impacts a company’s productivity, with those businesses having involved, happy and healthy workers also being the ones that are the most productive. Think about incorporating open seating arrangements, break rooms and/or common areas that can be used to encourage interaction, relaxation and collaboration among employees. These types of rooms, along with carefully chosen design accessories, make it easier for people to gather together and enjoy a space (and each other). The result: engaged employees who are eager to come to work.
Want to Learn More?
A new space allows businesses the opportunity to make significant and profitable changes relatively easily. To further boost your company’s productivity and create a truly distinctive space, we suggest partnering with an office design firm that can help you understand and choose the best design features for your own unique goals and objectives. Please contact Key Interiors to learn more.